Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to Make Mask for Face with Honey

Honey is really sweet right? Most people love to consume honey because it has good taste. Also, honey has great effects for health then this is why honey production always increase time after time. Well, honey also good for our face and people usually make it as face mask. But how to make mask mask for face using honey as primary substance? If you really want to have beauiful face, you should look at the points below.

1. Honey face mask with banana
Honey should be combined by some fruits, for example banana. As you know, banana has Vitamin C and Magnesium which really good for our skin. This combination will support skin regeneration. Take a banana and blend it until smooth. Add 1 eat spoon of honey and mix them together. You can apply those face mask on your face, and let it on your face for 15-20 minutes. After it dried, you can wash with clean water.

2. Honey face mask with lemon
Lemon also has citrid acid and Vitamin C which will help you to erase acne scars on your face and make your face brighter. How to make mask for face using honey and lemon? Really easy! Prepare a lemon and take the water. Mix those water using a eat spoon of honey until them blended together. Wipe onto your face for 20 minutes until dry, and wash it using water, you will feel fresh after doing this treatment.

3. Honey face mask with cabbage
Cabbege should be applied for face mask. Combination between cabbage and honey will make your face look brighter. How to make mask for face using cabbage and honey? Prepare a cabbage and then blend it till smooth. Mix cabbage and honey until mixed and you can apply it on your face. Doing this treatment regularly for best result.

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How to Make Mask for Face with Honey
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