Wednesday, June 15, 2016

MILITARY DIET: Eliminate 10 KG Only In 3 Days

Military Diet Plan – Fast diet program lose weight – Plan to attend the birthday party of your best friend in three days but still worry if your favorite dress will not suit you? Figuring out how to lose weight in 3 days? If your answer to all these questions is yes, then you should try military-style diet. Maybe when you want to lose weight, you are confused and fro to seek tips and diet program lose weight quickly. To lose weight quickly, not only you have many ways to lose weight, but your actions are required.

If you are simply looking for tips lose weight then collect all the tips and then you want to do which confused and in the end you do not do anything. With such how you can lose weight quickly? Reporting from stylecraze, following a program of military-style diet for three days lose weight. The success of all the tips diet is dependent on you, if you have a strong determination and not be tempted by any temptation, then you will succeed. Do not be too much to read tips on diet but you do not do, it is still better to have one or two tips on diet, but you consistently do these diet tips.

Military Diet Plan

The first day:

  • Breakfast:
  • One cup of black coffee or tea without sugar
  • One slice of whole wheat or brown bread with two tablespoons of peanut butter
  • Half a grapefruit


  • One cup of black coffee or tea without sugar
  • Only one piece of whole wheat bread
  • Half a cup of tuna


  • Three ounces of meat
  • One cup of boiled green beans
  • One apple
  • Half a banana
  • One cup of vanilla ice cream

The second day:

  • Breakfast:
  • One slice of whole wheat bread
  • One egg is cooked properly
  • Half a banana
  • One boiled egg
  • 5 of cream crackers
  • One cup of cottage cheese


  • Two hot dogs
  • Half a cup of carrots
  • One cup of broccoli
  • One banana
  • Half a cup of vanilla ice cream

The third day:


  • 5 of cream crackers
  • One apple
  • One slice of cheddar
  • Lunch:
  • One slice of whole wheat bread
  • One egg cooked


  • One cup of tuna
  • Half a banana
  • One cup of vanilla ice cream

You can replace some food above with the following foods:

  • Instead of bread, you can have a whole-grain cereal or rice cakes. Tortilla even is a great choice.
  • If you do not like peanut butter, try hummus or almond or soy butter.
  • If you do not like black coffee, green tea is a better alternative.
  • Tuna is not always delicious. You can eat chicken or tofu or almonds instead.
  • You can replace ice cream with yogurt.
  • If the hot dog is not your favorite, try some soy instead.
  • If you do not like broccoli, try some asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower.
  • If you do not like to eat bananas, you can consume kiwi, grapes or apricots instead.
Should You Exercise Along With It?
Exercising is very important. Always remember that this diet is followed in the military, and you will never find these people sitting with a roll in their stomachs. The type of exercise you do is quite dependent on the type of body you have, or your weight. If you are very obese or overweight, you can always walk around the block. Go ahead and push yourself as much as possible. In fact, you will learn to strong and healthy in the future.

Some weight loss exercise, among others:

  • Jogging
  • Brisk
  • Swimming
  • Using a treadmill
  • Jump rope
  • Using the elliptical machine
Once you have lost weight in three days, follow these simple tips to keep your weight.
1. Exercise regularly.
2. Eat foods that are full of nutrients.
3. Stick to the food sources which are full of omega 3 fatty acids, herbs system cleaners, food enzymes, etc.
4. Drink water as much as you like, adjust your activities.
5. Eat healthy foods.

How to Make Military Diet Work For You?

1. Weigh yourself in the morning on the first day of the diet. Next time you weigh yourself to be on the fourth day because weight does not fluctuate very often and can make you feel demotivated.
2. If you want to continue with the military diet three days, give yourself a break of four days after the next three days.
3. Follow a diet like that to maximize results.
4. Exercise, especially during weekends. When you have a day off, take advantage of them and burn as many calories as possible. You will burn more fat through this.

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MILITARY DIET: Eliminate 10 KG Only In 3 Days
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